
Zhejiang Xiaolong Electric Co., Ltd.



Location:Home > Products > Contact box series> CH3-12KV/270 Contact box 4000A
CH3-12KV/270 Contact box 4000A
Detailed description


The contact box is a pressure gel forming structure of epoxy resin APG process, and is used for various handcart switch cabinets, and has the function of insulation isolation and transition.

Model and its meaning

Conditions of use

1. The altitude shall not exceed 1000m;

2. Ambient temperature + 40 ℃ ~ 10 ℃;

3. When the air temperature is + 20 ℃, the relative humidity is more than 95%;

4. No gas, steam, dust and other explosive and corrosive media seriously affecting the insulation of contact box.

Outline dimension drawing


乌海市| 兴文县| 石阡县| 宿州市| 仙游县| 霍城县| 海城市| 屯留县| 安国市| 民和| 商都县| 溧阳市| 辽宁省| 伊吾县| 永春县| 屏东县| 突泉县| 邓州市| 中牟县| 自贡市| 武胜县| 西峡县| 莱阳市| 清徐县| 工布江达县| 庆安县| 八宿县| 利津县| 高陵县| 元江| 永济市| 铜山县| 扶风县| 兴隆县| 大悟县| 盖州市| 高陵县| 永州市| 罗源县| 玛多县| 盘山县|