
Zhejiang Xiaolong Electric Co., Ltd.



Location:Home > Products > Casing, wall casing series> TG4-12KV/128(100X100) bushing
TG4-12KV/128(100X100) bushing
Detailed description


The 12KV through wall casing is made of epoxy resin APG process pressure gel, and the size of the structure is 128 (100 x 100) mm and high 225mm. It is mainly used for insulation isolation and over connection in complete sets of equipment with rated voltage of 10kV and below. The casing is resistant to contamination and moisture, and does not need special maintenance. It only needs to clean the surface regularly. The bus bar passes through the hole during installation.

Conditions of use

1. Indoor installation;

2. The altitude shall not exceed 1000m;

3. Ambient temperature + 40 ℃ ~ 5 ℃;

4. When the air temperature is + 20 ℃, the relative humidity is more than 85%;

5. No gas, steam, dust and other explosive and corrosive media seriously affecting the insulation of contact box.


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